I loving writing stories for children and sharing my love of storytelling whenever I can.

I write picture books and early chapter books.

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I lead storytelling and creative writing sessions.

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Jenny coming in on a Wednesday afternoon to read a story to Reception is certainly a highlight of the entire cohorts’ week. The children often ask in the morning; “Is Jenny coming today?” They genuinely enjoy listening to her stories and as a teacher, it is lovely to sit back and observe the children listening to the rich dialogue and vocabulary that occurs due to Jenny’s stories having the ability to generate such discussion.
— Miss L Hinde, Reception teacher, Bickley Primary
Jenny helped us celebrate World Book Day by sharing her stories and presenting a range of wonderful sessions for our boys in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. One of the Year 2 boys told me he felt so inspired, it made him want to write even more. I think this demonstrates the power of Jenny’s excellent sessions. She is so patient and enthusiastic to hear the children’s ideas which gives them confidence to see themselves as writers too.
— Sian West. Curriculum Manager, Bickley Park Pre-Prep